It has been a week or so since the cowardly terrorist attack in Paris. Apart from the sorrow for the lost lives, the feeling within me is that of disgust. It is disgusting, how imbesil you need to be in order to get so brainwashed, that you accept, encourage or let alone do something like this. These sad pieces of human garbage show utter ignorance, as do those who take any joy out of or profit from this dreadful act of evil.

What cannot be denied is, that part of the answer lies within the culture of Islam, giving room for something this horrid to build up. Islam lacks the development and empathy evident in the more evolved religions. Islam and Arab thinking is ruthless, totalitarian and masculine, not much unlike the Middle-Ages in Europe. In a way, what Islam needs is a Renaissance (and a few hundred years).

But the bigger part of the answer is simple greed. And this is the most disgusting part of it all: are these idiots truly so naive that they think their leaders are fighting for religious purposes? Religion is just a way to achieve the real purpose - that of control and power.

With all the natural resources the "homelands of Islam" have had, their economies and well-being within the countries should be at least in line with that of the real civilized world. But there the well being remains the luxury of the few. And this is how these "sheiks and holy leaders" want things to remain. Hence Islam: the most restrictive of all main religions. Nice and "holy" way to justify the luxury of the few at the expence of many.

Isis is no different. The leaders behind have just found yet another way to brainwash desperate minds to take the thinking a couple of steps further. They have found a way to show blame and channel hatred on "infidels" for the sufferings caused by the Islamic system itself. And the puppets just bob their heads and shoot their guns.

Scary thing is, that the set-up serves the purposes of also the traditional Islamic states' leaders. So you will not see true commitment from them to take action. Even if their ideology is the real reason for the unrest.

Even scarier, it would be foolish to think that the situation does not serve the purposes of those in power within the world around. War leaves too much room for profit, either economically or politically. And greed is a powerful enemy against ethics and justice. This is one of the reasons we see world leaders hiding behind rhetorics and bureaucracy, instead of taking true action to solve the situation.

And although within the so called Christianized world religion might no longer bo so evidently used as a motivational tool for achieving greedy goals, greed and selfishness remain. The Western economic thinking - the new religion - is based on the assumption and justification of greed. We all are far from creatures of common good. Still, we are a lightyear ahead of Islam with regards to tolerance and freedom.

But if you see it as a a single belief system issue only, think again. The moment you think your interpretation of Jehova/Allah/God as dictated by any holy book/profet/man makes you somehow better, and people who interpret it any other way your enemies worth killing, is the moment you have lost. Arrogance serves no purpose for mankind.

Religion is only an interpratation and subjective belief of what is unknown. Determining "correctness" here would be like competing on who shouts the quietest. There is nothing absolute in it. So once you start thinking your religion is worth killing for, start with yourself.

It all boils down to the absolutes of tolernce and freedon, the only way for us to evolve as a species. From greed to caring, from confrontation to acceptance.

If anything good arises from the ashes of Paris, I hope it is the fact that Isis has now pushed the balance too far. Hopefully the balance now shifts from greedy economic interests to actually realising a common first step goal of getting rid of this cancer called Isis. Maybe, just maybe, this could act as a catalyst for the next small step in finding common agenda of good globally. And just maybe the next threat to mankind does not arise from within the depths of Islam.